Want to quickly transfer your contacts, photos and other content from your iPhone to your Samsung Galaxy S5? Not sure how to transfer data from iPhone to Samsung Galaxy S5? This article teach you a easy use guide to copy data from iPhone to Samsung Galaxy S5 directly,you can also transfer contents from iPhone to Samsung Galaxy S6 as the same steps.

Most of us dread the thought of having to transfer all of our data onto a new Samsung Galaxy S5 Android from our old iPhone. Getting all of our information out of Apple’s storage system and into the competing Google platform is intentionally made more difficult when our phone numbers are actually held hostage by Apple iMessage.

Transfer iPhone data to Samsung Galaxy S5
Because of this deliberately difficult process, many of us choose to stick with our old iOS simply out of fear of losing precious important information. We can choose to sync our contacts list and calendars through the iCloud network, but many of us now want to steer clear of iCloud altogether. Luckily, The phone transfer is well aware of this challenging dilemma, so it has created a program that will help to easily transfer data from iPhone to Samsung phone, including the Samsung Galaxy S5.

Phone to Phone Transfer is an almighty transfer tool that empowers you to transfer data between phones even if these two phones belong to different phone brands and supports different operating system. For example, transfer Nokia data to Samsung, transfer HTC data to iPhone or transfer iPhone data to Samsung. The steps to transfer data between phones are quite easy: Firstly, download the program; secondly, connect your phones; lastly, start transferring.

Download Phone Transfer on your computer and now it is time to witness the miracle:


How to Transfer SMS,Contacts and Photos from iPhone to Galaxy S5

Step 1: Launch the phone to phone transfer tool
Once you have successfully downloaded and installed the MobileTrans program, you will want to initiate the program. Choose the “phone to phone transfer” option that will appear in the primary screen window. Once you have loaded this program option, you will now gain access to the home screen application.

Step 2: Connect both the iPhone and the Galaxy S5 to your computer

The MobileTrans will only work if both the old and new phones are connected to your computer at the very same time. But the beauty of this program is that it will instantly recognize both the iPhone and the Galaxy S5 phone automatically without any prompting. The program will even remind you that iTunes may need to be downloaded onto your computer in order to successful transfer this valuable data, waiting for you to complete the iTunes download in the process.

Step 3: Complete the transfer of all desired data onto your new Galaxy S5 phone

You will be asked if you want to erase all of the data from the new Android phone prior to completing the files transfer from your iOS device. This is only necessary if you want to completely clear the new smartphone, perhaps in cases where the phone was previously used for a short time by a friend or family member.

Next, a window will appear displaying all of the numerous data files available for transfer, including text messages, contacts list, documents, images, calendars, and much more. Simply select whichever items that you want to transfer from the list of options, and then click the “Start Copy” button. The data dump will begin instantly.

Note: It is important to remember that the completion time of the total transfer process will depend on your connection speed and file size. Therefore, do not disconnect either the iPhone or the Android phone until the MobileTrans software has alerted you that the entire transfer process is complete.


Tips: You can also use this phone transfer to Backup iPhone Data to Computer and Restore data to Samsung Galaxy S5

Read more:

how to transfer contacts from Samsung Galaxy to iPhone 6

About Unknown

Hi there! I am Hung Duy and I am a true enthusiast in the areas of SEO and web design. In my personal life I spend time on photography, mountain climbing, snorkeling and dirt bike riding.
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